We Bought & Tested The Most Popular Anti Snoring devices, Here’s Why GoGoSleep is #1
SUMMARY: In short it’s a tiny wristband, lightweight and discrete. All you need to do is put it on your wrist and go to sleep. It’s built-in sensors will react to different indications of snoring and send an adjustable signal through your wrist, gentle enough to not wake you up, but strong enough to motivate you to roll over and stop snoring.
They are currently offering 50% off first orders on their website here.
UPDATE - GoGo Sleep is currently sold out in retail stores nationwide. However, they may still be available on their website here.
This review has been done with the help of a friend of mine who suffers from severe snoring. Even though I snore from time to time it was decided at TrustedConsumerReviews that we wanted the test to be conducted by someone who has confirmed sleep obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily my friend Harold was happy to help out and I got the assignment.
The GoGoSleep was delivered to me just 2 days after ordering it which was a little too fast for me because I hadn't had enough time to prepare and research the product in advance. Instead I met up with Harold and showed him the box.
The GoGoSleep is the latest advancement in anti snoring and is finally a convenient solution that will provide a deep and uninterrupted sleep for the wearer as well as any partner.
First Impression
When we opened the package and saw the high quality material shine back at us we actually had to confirm it was the right product, since this looked more like a smartwatch then an anti snoring device. After confirming that this indeed was the product we curiously inspected it further.
The reason I brought Harold with me was because I expected him to have experience of the design but this was such a new concept that even he was unsure what to say except it definitely looked cool.
It turns out that GoGoSleep is the latest advancement in anti snore technology. And the most crazy part was that we found out that the concept had been developed by special forces who needed to sleep undetected close to enemy positions.
After tinkering with the GoGoSleep for a couple of minutes we realised that it was a marvelously simple and elegant device.
We put the device on Harold's wrist and tested the output signal with a button to see how strong it was.
Harold's face lit up with a smile.
“I totally understand how this works now,” he said and laughed.
We had both been a little sceptical to the concept of buzzing your wrist when you sleep, but Harold explained that his girlfriend tickles him gently on the side when he snores at night, which doesn't wake him up but makes him turn on over to the side.
“It's just like that, it’s just a gentle tingling sensation”
I tried it myself and just like he said, it’s barely noticeable, as gentle as a fly walking on your skin.
We then tested the sensors on the GoGoSleep by making some snoring noises to see if we could activate it but nothing happened. Either the sensors that register the sound of snoring were broken or it was a foolproof system that wouldn’t accidentally activate.
Before Harold went to bed I had instructed him to not only remember the GoGoSleep but to also put on my Timo Health watch so we could track his sleep.
Harold came to me the next day with a peculiar look on his face.
“Can I keep it?” was the first thing he said.
I laughed as it answered the question of how it had been.
He told me he hadn’t slept a whole night without his facemask for many years, and even with the mask on, it obviously doesn’t provide the best sleep quality.
So waking up this morning feeling refreshed for the first time in years was such a big moment he could barely hold the tears back, he explained.
He had actually forgotten what that was like to sleep normally.
The data from my health watch told an equally impressive story.
The log from his Co2 values showed a drop in Co2 a couple of minutes after he fell asleep.
Harold explained that the snoring is a result of obstructed breathing, and that it explained the drop in Co2.
Then suddenly the Co2 values got right back to normal as the GoGoSleep registered him snoring and sent out a tickle on his wrist that made him turn on his side, allowing him to breathe correctly again.
This drop and recovery of Co2 and overall sleep quality happened 8 times during the night.
Harold said that when he doesn’t use any anti-snoring devices he actually wakes up around 6 - 8 times every night. So it correlated perfectly. GoGoSleep really helped him.
What makes the GoGoSleep different from other products?
You can't compare the GoGoSleep with any other product, this is why.
- Non Intrusive - Many anti-snore devices are attached to your face or go inside your mouth or become a hassle in some way or another. But GoGoSleep is a solution that doesn’t come with the price of comfort or convenience. You just put it on your wrist and you’re free to go to sleep.
- High sleep quality - The GoGoSleep immediately registers any sign of snoring from several sensors on the back of the wristband, meaning it only activates when needed and immediately turns off when you’re not snoring anymore. meaning that you won't be disturbed when sleeping. Leaving you with an increased quality of sleep compared to other solutions.
- Silent - Other devices have air pumps and electric humming that can be just as annoying as the snoring. But the GoGoSleep is so 100% silent and discreet so as not to disturb you or anyone else.
Harold obviously got to keep the GoGoSleep. He continues to talk about it and keeps telling me and his friends how great it is. So it's safe to say that it has had an extremely positive effect on not only the quality of his sleep, but on his life in general as he reports having much more energy and mental capacity now that he gets to sleep properly.
Both Harold and I wholeheartedly recommend GoGoSleep.
I even recommend this to people who only occasionally snore as it is such an discreet and simple product to bring along if you ever need to sleep in the same room as anyone.
I got one for myself because even if I don’t always snore, I do travel and sleep in hotels with colleagues from time to time and I can now relax knowing I won’t be an issue.
Furthermore, If someone of my colleagues snore, I can always lend them the GoGoSleep for the night as it’s only a wristband.
A friendly warning
Harold has been recommending the GoGoSleep to a lot of people who also suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but some of them have bought fake copycat versions from companies that try to get in on the success of the GoGoSleep.
So make sure to order from their official website in order to get the real deal!
It turns out the GoGoSleep has gotten so popular now that snoring has become acknowledged as a real problem, that it has recently become quite hard to get a hold of one.
And if the manufacturer had a hard time keeping up with demand before, they will surely have a hard time now since the founders just launched a 50% discount.
So as you can imagine, it’s a little irritating that we can’t get enough of these for our friends and family.
- Make sure to order from the official website linked here
- Get the 50% Discount
- Select the amount of devices you want
- Submit shipping information and payment method
- Enjoy the quality of uninterrupted sleep for you and your loved ones
If you’re still on the fence about it, we just want to let you know that GoGoSleep comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
So if you’re not sure, you can always buy one and just return it later if you don’t like it.
Common Questions & Answers
Q: Does GoGoSleep require any installation?
No. All you have to do is put it on your wrist as you go to bed, and that's it!
Q: Do I need to buy batteries for it?
Yes, The GoGoSleep requires 1 AAA Battery.
Q: Will the GoGoSleep wake me up?
No. The GoGoSleep uses a gentle electrical signal to make you turn to your side when it registered snoring. If the signal is also adjustable to fit your personal need.
How Much Does It Cost?
Normally, high quality anti-snoring devices can go for up to $1000, so one would expect the GoGoSleep to be in this price range as well...
But actually, the GoGoSleep sells for only $116.65, since the founders of the company are doing everything to keep prices low.
In fact, they are even running a 50% sale on their website right now, bringing the price down to just $59.99!
Click here to claim a discounted GoGoSleep (if it's still available) >>
That’s a small price to pay to get the experience of soaring through the air !
How Can It Be So Affordable?
Other brands spend billions and billions on advertising. Guess who pays for that in the end? The customer!
The GoGoSleep does very little advertising as they’re a small startup company. They also don’t sell in any retail stores, it’s strictly online. This lets them keep the prices down as they don’t need to rent big store warehouses and have tons of staff.
Why Is It Discounted Right Now?
Ever since the pandemic started the founders of the GoGoSleep have vowed to keep it discounted for as long as possible to help people to stay healthy as people are now more vulnerable to stress and other sleep deprivation factors. They simply believe that sleeping well, properly and regularly is at least one factor they can help with in order to stay healthy in these troubling times.
Get your GoGoSleep from their official website here >>>
As of February 09, 2025 Ever since GoGoSleep was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product and wants people to try it out that they are now offering a one-time, 50% discount.