July 27, 2024

If you’re reading this you’ve probably heard of Apple Cider Vinegar and it’s health benefits before.

Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV for short, has exploded in popularity this year. Due to the pandemic people are beginning to pay closer attention to their health.

ACV Gummies is a booming industry for good reason, the health benefits are amazing. Improved energy, gut health, helps with weight loss, helps curb sugar cravings and improves digestion.

The problem is, such a booming industry also attracts bad actors. The market is crawling with supplements with bad ingredients and massive amounts of sugar. Some of them don’t even contain The Mother, which is the most important thing.

So we decided to buy 2024’s most popular ACV Gummies to see how well they hold up in our tests.

And it revealed that paying for expensive big brands can often be a waste of money. To our surprise, our test winner was actually from a smaller company that managed to beat the big brands in both effectiveness, ease of use, ingredients and safety, fast relief and pricing.

Here’s our Top 5 Picks this year, with a full review of our top pick at the bottom of the page:

Advertiser Disclosure

Trusted Consumer Reviews is made up of our own views and opinions. The scoring is determined at our own discretion and should not be used for accuracy purposes. We are able to provide this service for free thanks to the referral fees we receive from a number of service providers. These referral fees may affect the rankings and score assigned to specific vendors. Furthermore, though many vendors appear on the Trusted Consumer Reviews, this DOES NOT imply endorsement of any kind. The information and vendors which appear on Trusted Consumer Reviews is subject to change at any time.


Our Score

Key Features

#1 BEST IN 2024



Goli ACV Gummies

Price: $39.00




Unfiltered - Contains the Mother



Orphic Neutrition ACV Gummies

Price: $34.99

Made in the USA

Formulated with Vitamin B-12

Contains sugar for improved taste

All-natural ingredients

Gentle on the stomach


NutriFlair ACV Gummies

Price: $36.99

1600mg per Serving

Free of Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Sugar

Non-GMO Ingredients


Raw and Unfiltered


WellPath ACV Gummies

Price: $35.85

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

U.S.D.A Certified

Organic tapioca syrup

Non-GMO ingredients

Low sugar

See the rest of the list

We Bought & Tested The Most Popular ACV Gummies, Here’s Why Fruily ACV Gummies is #1

IN SHORT: Fruily ACV Gummies have the best taste, have the best ingredients to support a healthy and effective digestive system, while also soothing and relieving any uncomfortable issues like bloating or acid reflux.

They are currently offering 50% off first orders on their website here.

UPDATE - Fruily ACV Gummies are currently sold out in retail stores nationwide. However, they may still be available on their website HERE.

I’ve been having problems with my stomach since I was a kid.

I remember my mother telling me I not only had to eat my food but my vitamins as well! Always some new vitamins and minerals and spoons full of yellow medicine looking decoctions.

I hated it!

I also remember the first time I lived on my own, and how I got to know how much she had contributed to minimizing my bloated stomach and other symptoms like recurring acid reflux.

Now as an adult I still struggle with vitamins and minerals as it honestly takes a lot of work to maintain a healthy balance if you live a normal fastpaste life.

I often wish I had her knowledge and kind prompting to not eat this or that and instead compensate with some special veggie.

I’ve jumped on the Apple cider vinegar trend before but It was very unpleasant to drink and it did occasionally burn my throat even though I mixed it with water.

I do know there is a bunch of science behind Apple Cider Vinegar and all of its benefits!

But it’s a hustle to consume it! And I wonder if it’s just not a hype anyway? I mean how many trends aren’t there out there?

I was happy to do this review and find out once and for all what ACV is all about.

First Impression

I got the bottle of Fruily ACV Gummies only two days after ordering it which was impressive I must say, not that I think this alone justifies the hype, but it was definitely a good start!

The gummies themselves looked good and appetizing, unlike some other vitamin gummies that look like disregarded candy.

And the smell was amazing!

How do they work?

Before I tried them I wanted to know if they were safe and not containing any weird stuff. You can never be too sure.

This is what I found:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar - This fermented juice is derived from crushed apples packed full of healthy bacteria to improve digestion and overall health. It has been used in treating multiple health conditions for centuries. These include common health concerns such as acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, poor immunity, and high blood pressure. The many benefits of this natural product have now been investigated and supported by a number of studies thanks to its growing popularity amongst both the holistic and medical community.
  2. Folic Acid - This B-group vitamin is vital for good health as it helps to produce and maintain new cells that carry oxygen around the body. It also prevents and treats anaemia.
  3. Vitamin B12 - Prevents anaemia, helps with DNA production, and promotes healthy nerve and blood cells throughout the body.
  4. Beetroot - Lowers blood pressure, reduces blood sugar, and alleviates muscle soreness.
  5. Pomegranate - Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant that contains ascorbic acid to boost the iron content in the body and promote production of healthy blood cells.

All of these are natural ingredients, and furthermore, I found out that they are so safe to eat that you can take Fruily ACV Gummies even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, which to me communicates that they are completely safe!


I was a little scared that the pleasant smell was there to hide the taste of vinegar but just as they said in their advertisement, I could taste the apple, but not the vinegar!

They’re really good, even delicious!

Not that I had eaten two Fruily ACV Gummies, I thought I’d do a little experiment.

Normally I get a heartburn within 30 minutes of eating certain foods, especially fatty food, garlic, alcohol and coffee.

So I went out and had a burger and onion rings, and I must admit, I had a slight flare afterwards but it was far from a full acid reflux!

Convenient, Delicious and Effective!

After using Fruily ACV Gummies for three weeks I’ve noticed some dramatic effects.

One of the first things I noticed was how calm my stomach was. Previously, even when I thought I was at a relaxed base level, I’d actually been tense. Now I realize what a calm and relaxed stomach really means, but how could I have known when I hadn’t experienced it before?

My cravings dissipated within the first week, and I realized I had much more energy even though I didn’t eat more. It was as if I could access more of the energy and nutrients from the food.

I guess a lot of it had to do with my blood sugar being better but either way, I felt great!

And lighter! Since I didn't have as much cravings and still had energy, I actually lost a little weight. Not much but I wasn’t trying either, So I definitely see the potential!

Can you compare Fruily ACV Gummies with any other product?


This is by far the best supplement I’ve even had.

I know my mom would be proud of me for finally finding a way to take such good care of myself.

I never thought I’d find such a simple way to fix so many of my problems.

I definitely recommend this to everybody as it only contributes to a well functioning stomach and digestive system!

We live in a stressful world that demands much of our time. Fruily ACV Gummies are a good way to compensate for the negative effects caused on our gut, and to make sure we boost and maintain our body's health.

Turned out to be one problem though

And the problem is that Fruily ACV Gummies have become so incredibly popular that the manufacturer has called out that they can barely keep up with demand.

And on top of that, there is an ongoing campaign right now where they have a bulk discount!

So it's just a matter of time before they run out.

Furthermore, some of my friends have bought this on my recommendation but they've got fake products!

You see there are a lot of scams and copycat versions from companies that try to get in on the success of Fruily ACV Gummies.

So it is very important that you get yours from their official website!

And you should get it now before they run out of stock again!

How To Get The Real ACV Gummies?

  1. Make sure to order from the official website linked here
  2. Select the amount you want
  3. Submit shipping information and payment method
  4. Enjoy a healthy and strong gut!

If you’re still on the fence about it, we just want to let you know that Fruily ACV Gummies comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

So if you’re not sure, you can always buy one and just return it later if you don’t like it.

Common Questions & Answers

Q: How many gummies should I take and when?

2 gummies once daily with a meal

Q: Will this cure my Acid Reflux?

ACV will help to resolve mild cases of acid reflux. If you suffer from recurring acid reflux more than 3 times a week we recommend the Heartburn Relief Kit which is a stronger solution.

Q: Is this safe while Breastfeeding or being pregnant?


Q: How bad Heartburn will this help?

For soothing relief from heartburn we recommend also trying the Acid Relief supplement with your ACV.

Q: Will this interact with other medication?

No, this is an all-natural supplement.

Q: Can I take this with other supplements?


Q: Is this vegetarian/Vegan friendly?


How Much Does It Cost?

Normally, high quality Supplements can go for $50 and even up to $150, so one would expect the Fruily ACV Gummies to be in this price range as well...

But actually, Fruily ACV Gummies sell for as low as $17.99, since the founders of the company are doing everything to keep prices low.

Click here to claim your bottle of Fruily ACV Gummies (if it's still available) >>

That’s a small price to pay to reduce bloating, even out blood sugar values and blood pressure, and give an overall boost to your digestive system, and health!

How Can It Be So Affordable?

Other brands spend billions and billions on advertising. Guess who pays for that in the end? The customer!

The company behind the Fruily ACV Gummies, does very little advertising as they started small and then grew as their product was cheaper and better than the competition.

They also don’t sell in any retail stores, it’s strictly online.

This lets them keep the prices down as they don’t need to rent big store warehouses and have tons of staff.

Why Is It Discounted Right Now?

As the company behind the Fruily ACV Gummies knows that they have a superior product they only need the word to spread so that people can try it for themselves.

By getting their product in as many hands as possible, more buzz will be generated as well as more sales.

And it seems to work, because they are constantly running out of stock!

Get your ACV Gummies from their official website here >>>


As of July 27, 2024 Ever since Fruily ACV Gummies was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are now offering a generous bulk discount, lowering the price to $19.95 per bottle.


Meet Our Expert

Daniel Hunt

Daniel comes from a medical background having. He has a passion for health tech & innovation. He follows all the latest trends where Silicon Valley meets Healthcare. Growing up in California he likes to go surfing whenever the waves are firing!

Mark from Ohio

just bought Fruily ACV!

16 seconds ago | TrustedConsumerReview

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