July 27, 2024

Kids love iPad, screens, and mom and dad's phones more than anything. But there is a stigma related to exposing our young ones to quick dopamine caused by screens, and the fear of causing screen addiction is real.

At the same time, digital learning is a wonderful tool when mom and dad could use a break.

Learning through play is imperative, especially before the age of 6—when 85% of brain development takes place.

Educational games are the obvious answer.

But there are many options out there, and unfortunately, marketing toward kids is booming, meaning that there is an abundance of companies trying to get a piece of the pie with a variety of quality in return.

We reviewed the best water filters of 2024, comparing the big brands to the small companies to see which ones work best.

To our surprise, the test winner was actually from a small company that managed to provide educational tools for learning that are personalized and fun!

Here are our top 5 picks for 2024, with a full review of our top pick at the bottom of the page:

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Trusted Consumer Reviews is made up of our own views and opinions. The scoring is determined at our own discretion and should not be used for accuracy purposes. We are able to provide this service for free thanks to the referral fees we receive from a number of service providers. These referral fees may affect the rankings and score assigned to specific vendors. Furthermore, though many vendors appear on the Trusted Consumer Reviews, this DOES NOT imply endorsement of any kind. The information and vendors which appear on Trusted Consumer Reviews is subject to change at any time.


Our Score

Key Features

#1 BEST IN 2024



codeSpark Academy

$9.99 per month / $79.99 per year

Excellent for children over the age of 5

Create and use their own games and interactive stories

STEM-based educational program



$5.00 per month / $60.00 per year with additional starter plans

Excellent math-focused program

Game-based learning that lets kids learn at their own pace

Includes multiple languages, chess, and customized learning



$8.95 per month / $59.88 per year

Best for kids 6 to 14 for on-their-own learning

Math fantasy world style game where kids win battles

Great video lessons, printables allow for offline learning


Adventure Academy

$12.99 per month / $59.99 per year

Ideal for older children between 8 and 13

Thought-provoking content designed to problem solve and stimulate creativity

Over 40,000 educational activities

See the rest of the list

We Bought & Tested The Most Popular Educational Games, Here's Why Homer Is #1

Summary: The beautifully designed game is visually appealing, interactive, and packed with quality content. It has easy navigation tools to allow even 2-year-olds to move through it with ease. It’s designed to create excitement and build interest not just in topics but in learning overall. Students gain insights into reading, creativity, math, critical thinking, social, and emotional learning.

I have worked in kindergarten for 6 years and have 3 kids of my own. I've got educated in a lot of child psychology and educational techniques.

In kindergarten, we had a lot of Ipads, and I remember the parents were skeptical, saying “our kids shouldn’t come here to play video games and watch shows! They should learn and interact!” which is true, to some degree.

But the truth of the matter is that it’s not the Ipad that is the problem, it's what the child does with it and when it’s available. My colleagues and I went through every app and educational game available and even took courses in digital learning.

So I think I know for real what separates a truly educational game and not. And not only that, some of the truly “educational games” were just too boring for the kids. The game has to appeal to the child, otherwise, nothing matters.

And there is one game that the kids loved more than any other, HOMER.

From an educator’s point of view, this affordable educational tool combines the benefits of games and the fun styling of TV shows with exceptional quality content, which is why it can deliver improved reading scores for very young children.

First Impressions

Downloading the educational app was done with a click of a button.

I signed up for an account and figured there was no risk with the 30-day free trial, so I jumped right in.

The app has bright colors and cute characters and an intuitive interface, which makes even a toddler able to work it out.

Right away, we started on the reading tools. They are fun lessons with the basics for very young children. Yet, the content is interesting, with positive elements throughout it. The toddler versions are all about learning but with a play focus. For my child, who was in pre-K, I was very impressed. Often pre-k education is very basic to make sure kids are ready for school. I loved that I could program the content here a bit more so, allowing my more advanced child to still learn new material. It was fantastic to see this option.

How Does It Work?

HOMER is named after the HOMER Method which combines decades of education research.

It uses a four-step approach that significantly improves children’s school readiness, confidence, social skills, and problem-solving.

The four steps:


Get kids excited to learn and support emerging schema development by introducing the skill or topic and relevant vocabulary.


Boost confidence and reinforce the skill with fun practice.


Empower learners with opportunities to demonstrate understanding in a familiar context.


Prepare kids to take their skills into the real world by allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge in a new or different context.


I was blown away when I saw the content could be personalized!

We all know how people learn in different ways like interactive lessons, games, stories, or songs for example, And HOMER offers each of these.

Not only that, but we are also interested in different things:

While some absolutely love dinosaurs or nature, someone else prefers space and tech.

With HOMER you can flavor every feature with your child's interest and make it relevant to them, something that is crucial if I want to get my vehicle obsessed 5 year old to be interested.

And the ability to import your child's name makes them jump with joy when seeing it! “WHAT!? Her name is Meggan, like me!”


As a kindergarten teacher, I immediately recognized some very clever techniques.

And some techniques were even perfected thanks to the digital medium.

When it comes to reading, the first thing we do is familiarize ourselves with letters.

HOMER helps your child identify letters as special symbols in a playful and easy way.

HOMER also helps display each letter as you get to know the reading building blocks.

I was amazed how fast my kids picked up on this, HOMER is really developed by people who know what they’re doing.

Fun & Captivating

Most of all I was impressed with how HOMER was entertaining my kids.

Usually, I see how these educational games become more of a chore than entertainment for them. And that never lasts very long, they sit there for a minute or two and then want to watch cartoons or play a not-so-very-educating game.

HOMER on the other hand managed to “fool” my kids into playing a game, while actually doing a lot of studying! I was impressed!

Social And Emotional Skills

But then It’s like every feature impresses me the most! Because this is also an aspect of learning that is easily forgotten.

Learning about empathy, confidence, social skills, and how to express or even name emotions is beyond important!

And this is another part of HOMER that is excellent.

There are so many videos, interactive games, songs, and creative features of HOMER that are dedicated to building and developing your child's social and emotional skills.

Brilliant In So Many Ways!

It’s easy to see the benefits of HOMER right away.

Kids are fully engaged with it no matter if they love sports, princesses, trains, or space – there’s content here that’s designed for all of their needs and interests. I spent the first few days working with the app together with my children.

I was waiting for ads to pop up and distractions to get in the way, but it never happened.

I loved it when my child brought the app to my lap about three days in and said, “I did it!” That’s how you know kids are really passionate about what they are learning. And there's so much to learn!


An easy step-by-step method that covers letters and sounds all the way to recognizing words, to finally reading and spelling.


Building blocks for math confidence: shapes, number recognition, counting, shapes, number operations, and more.

Social & Emotional Learning

Identifying and reacting to emotions in themselves and others. Learning patients, making friends, reflecting, and empathy.

Thinking Skills

Critical thinking, problem-solving, and information processing to form new ideas.


An open space for imagination and expression.

What Makes The HOMER Educational Game Different From Other Products?

It's hard to compare it to others because of the depth of quality, especially in areas like this:


HOMER is the only educational app you need when it comes to providing your child with exceptional quality education, especially before enrolling in school.

It does provide education for older students as well, so it’s going to be relevant for many years to come.

Perhaps the most impressive feature is how they mold their content to your child’s age and abilities so that every learner feels free from pressure when exploring the various subjects.

It's also easy to enjoy a catchy song and have a long conversation at dinner over the fun characters in the game. Both of my kids just loved it and asked to use it as if it was a toy rather than a learning experience.

It's fantastic to see the quality of content available here but also to know it is affordable. That's an important component for any parent that needs affordable, budget-friendly support for their children.

How To Get HOMER

It’s easy enough to get HOMER for your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other devices. You just need to visit the website to get started.

  1. Visit the website for HOMER
  2. Start a free trial
  3. Download the game and app
  4. Set up your child’s information
  5. Play and have fun with it!

Common Questions & Answers

Q: Is the game just for young children?

No, I found this game to be ideal for children up to 8 years of age, as well as for kids who may be working towards 2nd-grade education. Remember, it is based on your child's learning needs, no matter if they are brand new or more advanced.

Q: Is it repetitive content?

No, the content included in the game continues to refresh and offers new opportunities. My kids played games multiple times and didn’t stumble across the same content.

Q: Is the app safe to use?

Yes, there are no ads in the app, and there's no way for anyone else to contact your child. It is very safe for kids to use. It has numerous features built into it that help to make it safe for users.

How Much Does It Cost?

There’s a free trial that lasts a full 30 days. You can cancel at any time during that period easily and not have to pay anything. Then there’s a $9.99 per month charge for the game. There is no limitation on how often you can use it.

But the founders of HOMER are doing everything to keep prices low. In fact, they are even running up to a minimum of 50% sale on their website right now, bringing the price down from $119.88 to $59.99/yr. That's only $4.99 per month.

Click here to claim a discounted HOMER (if it's still available) >>

And you can cancel whenever you like.

Are You Still Unsure If You Should Download HOMER?

There’s no risk in doing so. Just download the app to your tablet and set up the free trial. You can set up the app in minutes and include up to 4 children on one app – that means everyone uses it for the same price.

With the 30-day trial, there is no risk to you if you are unsure that the app is best for your child. Get started now to check it out.

How Can It Be So Affordable?

Other brands spend billions and billions on advertising. Guess who pays for that in the end? The customer!

HOMER does very little advertising as they started on a very small scale.

They also don’t sell in any retail stores, it’s strictly online. This lets them keep the prices down as they don’t need to rent big store warehouses and have tons of staff.

Why Is It Discounted Right Now?

As the founders of HOMER know that they have a superior product they only need the word to spread so that people can try it for themselves.

By getting their product in as many hands as possible, more buzz will be generated as well as more sales.

And it seems to work because they are constantly running out of stock!

Get your HOMER from their official website here >>>


As of July 27, 2024, Ever since HOMER was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in its product and wants people to try it out, that they are now offering up to a 50% discount.


Meet Our Expert

Sylvia Fletcher

Since she got her masters in Journalism from Rutgers University, Sylvia has gotten 10 years of experience in interior design journalism. She has worked for several magazines related to home decor and has a keen eye for both design and quality of product. She’s been with us for 2 years reviewing everything from furniture to garden tools to fashion products.

Mark from Ohio

just bought HOMER!

16 seconds ago | TrustedConsumerReview

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