July 27, 2024

Millions of people experience heartburn and acid reflux every day. The market is flooded with risky medications that many are hesitant to try. There’s also various home remedies that don’t really work as well as you’d hope.

As a response to this, we’ve seen an explosion of new heartburn & acid reflux supplements recently. With some of them reporting stellar results in relieving even the worst cases of heartburn & acid reflux.

But how do you know what supplement to try?

We decided to buy 2024’s most popular heartburn relievers to see how well they hold up in our tests.

And it revealed that paying for expensive big brands can often be a waste of money. To our surprise, our test winner was actually from a smaller company that managed to beat the big brands in both effectiveness, ingredients and safety, fast relief and pricing.

Here’s our Top 5 Picks this year, with a full review of our top pick at the bottom of the page:

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Trusted Consumer Reviews is made up of our own views and opinions. The scoring is determined at our own discretion and should not be used for accuracy purposes. We are able to provide this service for free thanks to the referral fees we receive from a number of service providers. These referral fees may affect the rankings and score assigned to specific vendors. Furthermore, though many vendors appear on the Trusted Consumer Reviews, this DOES NOT imply endorsement of any kind. The information and vendors which appear on Trusted Consumer Reviews is subject to change at any time.


Our Score

Key Features

#1 BEST IN 2024



Reflux Inhibitor

Price: $49.95

Combat and Prevent Acid Reflux

Relieve Indigestion and Heartburn

Correct and Maintain Stomach Acid Balance

Alleviate Stomach Discomfort and Bloating

Optimize Digestion

Resolve Digestive Issues such as IBS


Acid Relief

Price: $49.95

Soothe Esophagus Irritation

Rebuild Protective Mucus Lining

Reduce Gut Inflammation

Protect Against Ulcers

Treat GERD



Price: $29.95

Improve Digestion

Relieve Heartburn & Acid Reflux

Reduce Bloating

Boost Your Immune System

Promote Weight Loss


Alka Seltzer Heartburn Relief

Price: $13.97

Trusted brand

Fast acting

Multi symptom relief

Delicious flavor

Acid Neutralizing only

See the rest of the list

We Bought & Tested The best and most popular Heartburn relievers, Here’s Why Terra’s Heartburn Relief Kit is #1

Many people think that the burning sensation comes from too much acid in your stomach. The problem can actually be caused by too little acid!

The pain we feel is because acid ends up in the wrong place outside of the stomach. And there is a “valve” that is supposed to close the stomach once it starts to produce acid.

But this valve is only triggered when the acidity in the stomach reaches a certain threshold.

So if that level isn’t reached or if your stomach is just below that threshold, then the “valve” remains open and acid can escape the stomach and hurt us.

I feel like a war veteran, scarred by endless long nights, tortured by burning my chest, from the inside out.

Going to a party knowing that I’m either going to have to refuse the food made by Gordon Ramsay and a bunch of other Michelin star chefs, or having to regret indulging in the simple pleasures of life as my throat melts from the accompanying reflux.

Sure, there are Acid blockers, but I know that most of these acid-blocking medications, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), carry an FDA warning that they should not be used for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 42 total days over the course of a year.

And for a good reason, If you lower the acid in the gut it can’t digest food properly and you end up with bad bacteria and fungus infections and food that is literally rotting inside your body.

So, yeah, I’m trying not to go too hard on those acid blockers.

And as you can imagine, I was excited when I got assigned with this review since it at least offered the possibility of providing a long lasting treatment.

And you just wait because you have all the reasons to be excited as well!

First Impression

I got Terras Heartburn Relief Kit only 2 days after ordering it and was very impressed by how smooth it all went.

I opened the box and inspected the two bottles.

One bottle of Reflux Inhibitor for treating the Acid Reflux, and one bottle of Acid Relief for soothing the symptoms.

I found that there was a lot of help to be found and the company behind the Heartburn Relief Kit offered an abundance of support!

They made it very clear that I was more than welcome to contact them to get a one on one dialog if I had any questions or concerns.

How does it work?

Before I stuffed myself full with an unknown medicine I wanted to know more about how it worked and possible side effects.

The first bottle in the kit, the Reflux Inhibitor, works by replacing any lost acidity to your stomach. This is done with the help of two key ingredients, Betaine HCL and Pepsin.

Both these ingredients are naturally produced in your body. So it’s completely safe! You can even use Reflux Inhibitors while pregnant or nursing.

Not only does Betaine help your stomach with acidity and digestion so that the “valve” or the sphincter as it is called, can close the stomach so that no acid reflux can occur.

But Betaine HCL also provides an anti-aging effect by improving nutrient absorption and helping your body to function as optimally as possible.

The other bottle, Acid Relief, with its mote soothing and repairing properties has five very interesting ingredient:

GutProtector DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated licorice): This helps to restore the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and intestinal lining by increasing the secretion of protective mucus.

Research suggests GutProtector DGL can also help with functional dyspepsia (discomfort in the upper belly or abdomen occurring during or right after eating).

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has been considered one of the top natural digestive products for years. This extract is made using a patented process that removes the laxative properties of aloe and provides the polysaccharides you need to help soothe your digestive tract.

Slippery Elm Bark: Slippery elm is an herb famous for its soothing properties. As the name implies, extracts of slippery elm are often slippery due to the high content of plant polysaccharides. These polysaccharides can help to soothe irritated internal tissue along the gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon Balm: Traditionally used as far back as the Middle Ages, lemon balm is considered a calming herb that eases tension, as well as the discomfort of indigestion, including gas, nausea and bloating. In addition, lemon balm has the ability to relax smooth muscle, which means that it can help to relieve spasms of the digestive tract.

Finally, German Chamomile: It has been used as a natural digestive soother and mild herbal sedative for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. The flowers of the chamomile plant contain compounds called mucilages, which have a soothing effect on the lining of the esophagus and other mucous membranes.

So are they safe?

And after looking into these ingredients a couple of times I found out that they are completely Non-Habit Forming and Side Effect-Free!

Unlike acid-blockers, the ingredients in the Heartburn Relief Kit do not cause rebound symptoms or any other side effects. And it doesn't interfere with any other medication.

Furthermore the Heartburn Relief Kit is guaranteed to be safe and effective. It's made in Terra Health's own FDA-inspected facility to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration.


When I was convinced that it was 100% safe, I was eager to try some really delicious food! Cheese, grease, dark coffee and all the other things I’m definitely supposed to avoid if I want to live a happy acid-free life.

But the things I do for science...

I took two pills and started brewing a big cup of tar-black coffee and grilled myself a big nasty burger with fries.

This is more than enough to ruin a good day for me so I drank the coffee slowly and didn’t rush the food. But eventually I ate it all with a nervous enthusiasm, knowing I might be in for some serious pain in about 30 minutes.

But nothing happened. I definitely noticed a flare of sorts but it wasn’t the painful burning we all know to fear. It was more like I heard my stomach roar and fight the heavy meal. But it was alright.

My stomach came out the victor and I had my first juicy meal in ages without scalding my insides with acid.

A clear win!

And what’s really important to understand is that this is something you can eat every day without getting any side effects!

Unlike Acid Blockers that have some really bad side effects if you use them too much, Terras Heartburn Relief Kit is all natural and safe to use every day of the year!

But you won't have to!

After 120 days, 80% have resolved their Acid Reflux!

Can you compare Terras Heartburn Relief Kit with anything else on the market?

No, it's one of a kind, something else entirely compared to other products.


Simply wow! It's amazing and I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone with the slightest discomfort or issues with their digestive system.

Since it has completely natural ingredients and NO-side effects, it's a real no-brainer and a must-have product!

And if you have acid reflux or GERD, know that you can completely treat your heartburn and resolve it once and for all within 120 days!

Imagine never having to worry about if you’re going to be able to sleep a night again due to fire in your chest!

A recent problem has occured

The Heartburn Relief Kit is so popular that it has recently become quite hard to get a hold of it.

And if the manufacturer had a hard time keeping up with demand before, they will surely have a hard time now since the founders just launched a one time only discount!

So as you can imagine, it’s a little irritating that I can’t get enough of these supplements for my friends and family who also suffer from Acid reflux.

And what's even worse is that some of my friends have accidentally bought fake copycat versions after they heard my praises and wholehearted awe for this product.

It seems that there are budget companies that try to get in on the success of the company, Terrea Health Essentials, who makes the Heartburn Relief Kit.

So make sure to order from their official website in order to get the real deal!

How To Order A Heartburn Relief Kit?

  1. Make sure to order from the official website linked here
  2. Select the amount of bottles you want
  3. Submit shipping information and payment method
  4. Enjoy eating whatever you want without the fear of having acid burning through your chest!

If you’re still on the fence about it, we just want to let you know that the Heartburn Relief Kit comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

So if you’re not sure, you can always buy one and just return it later if you don’t like it.

Common Questions & Answers

Q: How many should I take Daily?

Take 2 reflux inhibitors before your heaviest meal of the day and gradually increase to a max of 5 if needed. For help with your dosage, please contact Terra on Facebook messenger for a 1 to 1 consultation.

Q: Are there any side effects?


Q: Is it safe to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?


Q: Does this supplement help with LPR?

Yes, this is an excellent treatment for LPR

Q: How long before I start feeling better?

You should be experiencing relief within two weeks, although some people feel better in as little as a few days. In terms of resolving your acid reflux for good, this takes about 120 days in our experience with other clients.

Q: What is the success rate?

We have an 85% success rate, but everyone’s situation is very unique. We work with people on an individual basis once they start supplementing to get timing and dosage correct.

Will this interact with other medication?

No, the only medication this will interact with are acid blockers/PPIs which you should stop taking before commencing our supplements (as they counteract the effects).

Is it gluten free?


How Much Does It Cost?

Normally, high quality supplements in this class goes for up to $50-100 dollars per bottle, so one would expect the Heartburn Relief Kit to be in this price range as well...

But actually, they sell for only $79.95 per bottle since the founders of the company are doing everything to keep prices low.

In fact, they are even offering you a discount if you buy more than one on their website right now, bringing the price down to just $29.98 per bottle!

Click here to claim a discounted Terra’s Heartburn Relief kit (if it's still available) >>

That’s a small price to pay to get rid of painful nights and be able to eat your favourite food without pain!

How Can It Be So Affordable?

Other brands spend billions and billions on advertising. Guess who pays for that in the end? The customer!

The company, Terra health essentials does very little advertising as they started on a very small scale. They also don’t sell in any retail stores, it’s strictly online. This lets them keep the prices down as they don’t need to rent big store warehouses and have tons of staff.

Why Is It Discounted Right Now?

As the founders of The Heartburn Relief Kit know that they have a superior product they only need the word to spread, so that people can try it for themselves.

By getting their product in as many hands as possible, more buzz will be generated as well as more sales.

And it seems to work, because they are constantly running out of stock!

Get your Heartburn Relief Kit from their official website here >>>


As of July 27, 2024 Ever since The Heartburn Relief Kit was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are now offering a one-time, 50% discount.


Meet Our Expert

Daniel Hunt

Daniel comes from a medical background having. He has a passion for health tech & innovation. He follows all the latest trends where Silicon Valley meets Healthcare. Growing up in California he likes to go surfing whenever the waves are firing!

Mark from Ohio

just bought Terra’s Heartburn Relief kit!

16 seconds ago | TrustedConsumerReview

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